
West Row Parish Council inherited 122 streetlights from our predecessor, the vast majority of which were the old style orange lights. After undertaking a review of all the lights, we were able to put together a thorough list and make a plan for action. At least two of the lights had disappeared altogether, there were many outages and several lights had become unmaintainable in light of new regulations, as the lights were too close to the overhead power lines. We agreed to end the maintenance contract we had inherited and appointed a new contractor to work for us on a "pay-as-you-go" basis.

One additional light was "found" buried deep in a hedge along Pollards Lane, which the contractor got going again, and we had a new one installed at the end of Mildenhall Road to replace the one that used to be there but disappeared several years ago!. we also installed a new additional light on Cricks Road So the parish now has 126.

To reduce both electricity and maintenance costs, and to reduce our carbon footprint, we decided to proceed with upgrading our entire stock to new low-energy lights. With a small number of exceptions, these are now all "Indo Air 1 +" 25w LED lights, that further use sensors to dim to 50% brightness approximately between the hours of midnight and 5am. During these upgrades we took the opportunity to replace or upgrade many of the brackets which were in a poor condition. We have also changed our electricity supplier to one that uses only renewable energy.

Please note that where new housing developments have involved roads that have been adopted by Suffolk County Council, any new streetlights were often adopted at the same time, and therefore these are also under the ownership and responsibility of SCC. In West Row, these estates are: Blenheim Close, Cornflower Close, Eldo Gardens, Mildenhall Road (three green columned lights close to junction with Jarmans Lane), Victoria Close & Williams Way. Generally speaking all SCC lights switch off for a few hours overnight.

If you need to report an issue with a streetlight, please contact the Parish Clerk using one of the methods below.

e-mail :- westrowpc@gmail.com

Tel :- 07860 358493

( The Parish Clerk works part time so you may not get a rapid response )