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    Welcome to West Row Parish Council

West Row Parish Council Website

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West Row parish was formerly part of Mildenhall parish, on the 1st of April 2019 we became a separate parish.

West Row is believed to have been an important Bronze Age site over 3500 years ago. Then early farmers occupied timber houses during the summer months (possibly migrating south during the winter) and may have made ritual offerings into the river Lark. In January 1942, farmer Gordon Butcher while ploughing found a major hoard of highly decorated Roman silver tableware from the fourth-century AD. He did not recognize the objects for what they were, and the hoard did not come to the attention of the authorities until 1946. An inquest was held in the summer of 1967, when the find was declared treasure trove and acquired by the British Museum in London. Today it is known as the Mildenhall Treasure and comprises of tableware, pictorial platters and early Christian baptismal spoons which can be seen in the British Museum, and replicas are on display at the Mildenhall Museum.

West Row lies on the north bank of the navigable River Lark, 2 miles west of the town of Mildenhall, and just south of the large airbase RAF Mildenhall. occupied by the USAF, It is considered part of the Breckland, and sits on the edge of the Fens.

The village is served by a small village store, a coffee shop and a hairdressing salon. West Row is also home to the popular pub Jude's Ferry located on the river Lark, the last of 4 Pubs that were in the village.

18 September 2024

Full Council Meeting

Parish Office at Bowls Club Wednesday 7:00 pm View Details

Latest Parish News

Cricks Road Resurfacing

Cricks Road


September 2024
Road closed

Notification from Highways

For your awareness, we are planning to carry out carriageway resurfacing along Crick’s Road, West Row.

The works are programmed to take place between 8am and 6pm from Tuesday 10 September until Friday 13 September. During this time, the road will be closed to ensure the safety of highway users and our operatives.

For the duration of the closure, traffic will be diverted via Eldo Road, Bargate Road, Pott Hall Road and vice versa.

As we plan roadworks in advance, we schedule extra days to allow for bad weather or other delays beyond our control. If we need to make major changes to our work dates, we will update the information signs on site and our social media channels accordingly.

A plan showing the diversion route for these works is attached below.

When we close the road and put a diversion in place, the route needs to be accessible to vehicles of all shapes and sizes. We make our diversions as clear as possible by placing appropriate signing along the route. The latest updates on our works can be found on theOne.Network website.

There may be times that essential emergency works are required to take place on the highway network without advanced notice – you can followSuffolk Highways on Facebook for the latest emergency roadwork updates.

Please use any contacts within your division or parish to circulate this notification.

If you have any queries on the above, please contact us on 0345 606 6171.

Suffolk Highways

USAF Exercises

USAF Mildenhall


September 2024
Please be aware that USAF Mildenhall will be hosting various Exercises that include visiting planes and extra activity over the next few weeks.

See notice below.
West Row Parish
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